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You are here » Discussyes » Lifestyle » Refuse to be bitter when others were disloyal or betrayed you

Refuse to be bitter when others were disloyal or betrayed you

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Bitterness is more devastating than betrayal.

Betrayal is external. Bitterness is internal. Betrayal is something that others do to you. Bitterness is something you do to yourself.

Thousands survive betrayal easily. Very few can survive the current of bitterness.

Disloyalty is a product of an unthankful heart. Betrayal is usually the child of jealousy.

Everybody has experienced these tragic situations in their life. An unfaithful mate. An employee who slanders you behind your back. A boss who fires you without explanation. These things hurt. Deeply.

Yet, refused to be bitter.

Eliminate any words of bitterness in every conversation. Do not remind others of your experience, unless is to teach and encourage them to rise above their own hurts.

Injustice is only as powerful as your memory of it

Writer: Mike Murdock



Thank you @Abbey for sharing this vital article :flag:


You are here » Discussyes » Lifestyle » Refuse to be bitter when others were disloyal or betrayed you