I want to further suggest some improvement here. Before i proceed, i want to say that i'm intrigued by ur work here. Like i said before, i never thought that this forum script could be this nice@Abbey. You're a top webmaster/designer from what you did here. Pls dont let this get over you, remember you are still getting started though.
Back to business.
I had about 4 suggestions.
1. Try if possible to make the message icon turn red only when a user has a message (would be tough or impossible i reckon.)
I check my inbox about 5-7 times a day because the icom always turn red.
2. We are now in 2019, but somewhere in the footer we still live in last year . The copyright area i'm talking about.
3. Display few latest post in the homepage. (I have the code, its rough so will need some mod to suit ur teast)
4. Forgot the 4th, hope i remember soon!