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You are here » Discussyes » Lifestyle » What your true friends knows about you.

What your true friends knows about you.

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You have friends who cares about you, friends who can understand, thats why you call them friends. Every individual have standared they sets for who will become their friend and afterward they rate these friends in different classes ranging from just friends to best friends. Whatever the criteria you used to rate your friends is best known to you and i am sure you have fun keeping some of this friends very close.

But there are true friends regardless of the classes of friends you have. This true friends always stick closs to you even though you try to avoid them sometimes, they never let go. Sometime you might wonder whats really keeping them attracted to you. Well, it is what they know about you.

Lets now discuss 3 important things your true friends knows about you, these things along with your friends atittude will help you recognise who is truely your friend and who aren't.

1. Your True Friends Knows Your Potentials.
Because they know this they wont easily be influenced by your present. For example. You may be poor today but your true friends knows that you have the potential of getting rich in the future and thus they will give you their unrelentless support in the present. They act like mentors at times and will try to guild you to your threshold, not often easy though.

2. Your True Friends Know That You Are Not Perfect.
Many friendship ends in disaggrement resulting from individual diferences in ideas and views on matters. When this happend it tears friendship apart, but not with the true friend. They will still comeback to mend things up, even if it cost them sacrificing their own ideas and views because they know that you are not perfect and one day you may live to understand how they think.

3. Your True Friends Know Your Weaknesses.
They know your weak point but will never use it against you, instead they use it to protect you. They envisage your secrets and never play with them.

These are your true friends, always have them around you, never let them go out of your life. Try to be a true friend to them aswell. Be the true friend of your true friends.


Last edited by Cally (12th Dec 2019 10:46 am)






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