Are you having self-doubt today? This is common. Some of the reasons you doubt may be a limited education, losing a close loved one when you were young, an alcoholic parent, or guilt over a serious mistake you made in your teenage years.
But whatever the reason, it is very important that you remember your past is over. God never consults your past to determine your future.
You can move beyond the scars of yesterday. Stop talking about your limited education. Quit complaining that everyone in your family is poor. Stop repeating stories of those who failed you. Stop pointing your finger at the economy.
Stop advertising your pain. Stop meditating on your flaws. Everyone has limitations. Each of us is handcapped in some way: Physically. Emotionally. Mentally. Spiritually.
Concentrate on your future.
Stop looking at where you have been and start looking at where you are going.
Writer: Mike Murdock