There was a saying that "in every success there is a struggle", yes that was true of DISCUSSYES, it passed through many hills and valleys to get to this level.
Gone are those days but history still have it fresh.
In the good old days the first version script of DISCUSSYES was tested with a harsh breeze of bug. Abbey may have noticed quite late but he was determind to handle the precarious situation. He tried as hard as he could but too late, the script fall out and all was gone, his effort, the structures, data etc. Only the domain name was safe. Tough, we were all scared, our home was gone.
Sad, disappointed, bitter, words can't explain how Abbey must have felt to have all his hardwork of many months wiped out in just a moment.
Abbey showed resillence to bounce back from the adversity and came back atleast as strong as before. It wasn't easy though, it took him about 2 weeks to restore the forum.
Thanks to the unrelented effort of Abbey our home was restord.
In spite of the success in restoring the forum, there was still many challenges left to tackle, because all data(users account, messages, posts, comments etc) was gone.
The next huddle Abbey was to jump was convincing old members that DISCUSSYES is still worth a try. With his kind and humble personality he was equal to the task and courageous enough to bounce back.
At long last DISCUSSYES was fully back and better than before.
Some of the best moment of the then new version of DISCUSSYES was:
A new method of Man Of The Forum was adopted.
Centov won an award in a tag team race game.
Styguy was appointed to the moderators in the expense of Samboizz who was then inattive till date.
Natty won the member of the year 2018 award.
Styguy won the staff of the year 2018 award.
Cally shared his first long story entittled 'The Return Of The Town Foriegners'.
Back then it was all happy time.
Abbey on his part showed a remarkable insight and predicted a bad fate for DISCUSSYES if it continued with thesame script, then he began working seriously and tirelessly behind the scene for a new script. Quite furtunate, he would not take the risk of a break down again with the misfiring script, so he made a surprise switch to the new script he've been working on.
Quite happy with the switch though but it wasn't a pleasant surprise for some of us because the new script was in it messy form then. I was among those who had doubt about the new script.
With his innovative skills, strong believe, and ability to dive through core coding he was Abbey making progress, proving that there is still a world behind the atmostphare.
As days passes by DISCUSSYES was gradually lightening up in a unique way. And today we now have a pleasant place to spend a quality time, with the right people, coolest design, and unique functionality. That is DISCUSSYES, the forum that said YES to discussion.
As you chat, have banter, comment, create topic and do everything here, remember that have a long and illustrious history.
This is the tales of DISCUSSYES. Long live DISCUSSYES, forever DYESERS.