Greeting to all DYESERS!
Do you think it is proper or right whether a male boss should employ only a male PA or a female boss should also employ only a female PA?
Source: It was coined from a post in PUNCH
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You are here » Discussyes » Social » Should a boss employ the opposite gender as Personal Assistant?
Greeting to all DYESERS!
Do you think it is proper or right whether a male boss should employ only a male PA or a female boss should also employ only a female PA?
Source: It was coined from a post in PUNCH
Opposite s*x - This should be based on mutual respect between the two parties
If you want to go for female personal assistant, you must choose wisely
(Cally) you should elaborate more pls
What I am trying to say is that it's optional for a single person to choose opposite s*x as PA but not optional for a person in relationship or married person. Thanks Cally and I also agreed with your own opinion on this issue
I think same gender is alright
It calls for more wisdom and discernment
You are here » Discussyes » Social » Should a boss employ the opposite gender as Personal Assistant?