Goodmornig DYESERS,
I have been admiring DISCUSSYES for it's adorable design and features from the day Abbey transformed the forum down to this glory days!
I have done a lot of work in and i'm really proud of what i did there i couldn't imagin myself doing half of the design. Fortunately the forum is up for sale. So i decided to move on! My first option was to build another forum similar to By God grace i started to work on a new forum.
Now i respect Abbey more than before because i've come to learn what he've done to put DISCUSSYES up and running. I learn that it takes hardwork, Endurance, determination, and even reading a foreign language to build a forum like DISCUSSYES. I'm still learning from him, because there is still things i can't do yet. I almost gave up when the task was still fresh but by God's help i was up to the challenge.
Now i want to introduce to you the new forum (
The forum was built with DISCUSSYES forum script, fundeal colour combination, new design. You must love this new forum.
Please come and have fun.